I finally bought a bookmark. I’m not sure I’ve ever paid actual money for one. But this hardcover I’m reading right now (The Emperor’s Blades) really seemed to warrant something nicer than just a scrap of paper. It turned out to be more difficult to find a nice bookmark than I would have thought. I ended up with this dragon one, just because it’s what I could get quickly. Hey, it has nice graphics. And it cost a whopping 49¢.
Since I’m a knitter, I could make a lovely bookmark. But I hate thick bookmarks that might press into the pages, and fine lace is too fussy and flimsy for the job. The same issue rules out the metal variety of bookmarks. It can’t be uncoated colored paper that might stain the pages. And all these picky criteria are why I end up using the folded receipt for the book itself. Besides, it’s a cool reminder of when I bought the book.
But there’s one better. The very best bookmark of all is an airline boarding pass.
It didn’t take long of flipping through books to find one. Once I (or my husband) read a book on a flight, that boarding pass will probably live on in that book forever. Boarding passes are the ultimate bookmarks. They meet all the above rules, plus they add a sentimental interest. Any time I open that book again, I’ll remember that trip. Which, come to think of it, isn’t always a fun thing, but then it’s just a different kind of memory.
Still, I’m going to start keeping an eye out for fancy bookmarks that are actually functional. Or else I’ll have to start flying a lot more often.